Pick Of The Week #5 - Black Boots

boots by allyretro featuring topshop

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
 I've been so obsessed with black boots recently. There are endless amounts of them on Ebay and other places. I've seen so many people wearing different boots and I can't help but obsess over them.

1 - I found this ebay seller called shoesstore_lee and oh my goodness, I'm in love. All their black boots are amazing, please go check them out! And I've never seen any boots for over £40. I am desperate for a pair of these, how nice are they!? They would be lovely to wear with a dress.

2 - I'm pretty sure I've talked about these boots before, but hey-ho! Topshop boots are amazing. I love the cut-out on these boots. I've seen people wear these with frilly socks, I wouldn't think that would go with it, but it  look so good. These would also go nice with a nice little dress.

3 - I'm not actually sure DocMartens sell these in black anymore, they only have the cherry red colour
for sale on their website. But these are absolutely beautiful. I'm not a big fan of buckles over the zips but
these are an exception, they are so nice!

4 - I'm not going to lie, if I hadn't seen these on anyone I probably wouldn't give them another look but today I saw that sjmwelll did a post featuring these boots and I'm so in love. I think they look better on than they do in the picture!

What's your opinion?

  1. haha you literally destroyed me. I've already bought 2 pairs of shoes today, i saw this, now i want more :( sob. I'm a shoe addict :)
    oof you have nice shoe sense though nom nom xo

    1. Hahahaha I'm so sorry! ;) Aww, shoes are just too addictive, it's not fair! Hahaha, why thank you! X

  2. ooooo I love these boots! Number 4 is gorgeous, I want them badly X

  3. I am in love with these boots!!! Especially number 1, they are lush xxx


  4. I am in loooove with all of these boots! Number 2 is my favourite I want them now! :) xx Laura


  5. I've just found your blog and LOVE it.
    I really want a pair of cut-out boots pronto :)

    Rosie x

  6. Wow all of these are amazing, would be happy to own any of them!! xx

  7. I LIKE YOUR STYLE! very cool

    dont forget to hop by my blog and win my giveaway.

  8. in love with boots no. 4


  9. Hey I've nominated you for an award! Come over to my blog to see more xoxo

  10. ah, im in love with 1. they look amazing. xx

  11. Love the second ones! I have a pair of flat black boots and heeled black boots and they are both essentials in my wardrobe!

    Lindsey. x

    1. Same! Oooh, same here! I think it's important to have at least one pair of black boots haha x

  12. I love #4! I haven't seen those on anyone neither...which kinda makes them even more desirable! x_x

  13. Omg ive just fallen in love with all of these shoes..i need the last ones in my life!xx

