My life in pictures & life update #1

       I've always wanted to do one of these so I got some pictures that I've taken this week and edited them and collage-d them and boom, here they are.

  • The first picture is of Juliet's cake. It's beautiful and we all had a rather lovely time celebrating her 18th <3
  • STARBUCKS, me and Vanese went there today (for obvious reasons..!) and we'd never taken pictures with the big Starbucks sign, so we thought we'd better do that!
  • So everyone from the UK knows that today you could get a free latte (small of course!) before noon, so me and Vanese headed straight down in the middle of school to go grab ourselves one. It's awesome because they write your names on the cups!
  • When me and Vanese were walking back home from Juliet's party, we went past a "Kony" poster and I just had to take a picture of it. The fact that there's a poster around where I live really made me smile knowing that it's really getting around now.

What's your opinion?