What I Wore in 2013 on PerksOfBeingAlly

I was quite shocked to see that I've done at least one outfit post each month this year (minus December). I was also quite shocked to realise that most of my outfits didn't consist of just a top and my black skater skirt! In January I got a bit too excited with the Vignette effect, I'd say my pictures started getting decent around August time, thanks PicMonkey! My favourite outfits were the ones in August and September. My style has most definitely progressed compared to last year, even with just wearing a dark lip has given me more confidence in what I wear.. although there are some outfits I look at now and make me think "why?" haha, hopefully I won't feel any regret a year from now when I'm recapping my 2014 outfits! I don't think any of my outfits co-ordinated with the different seasons and I think that's something I need to work on. because well.. wearing tights and a skirt in the middle of winter isn't the best decision! 

What's your opinion?

  1. Love this. Your style is so cute!

    Shai xx

    1. Aww, thank you so much, that's made me really happy, thank you Shai! ^-^ <3

  2. Loving your style,your color choice in outfits is a fave of mine.Can't wait to see what you do for next year
    Deejay Speaks Does Poetry
    She Has The Eye

    1. Aaah, thank you so so much! I am excited :D x

  3. Your sense of style is so cute! I especially love all your skirts. You looked great in 2013, I look forward to seeing more outfits from you in 2014. Happy New Year :-)

    1. Awww, thank you! Happy new year to you too lovely! ^-^ x

  4. Cute looks over the year - I love your style,
    I found your contact as you follow a blog I do , I'd love it if you came to check out my blog, I blog on fashion and now fitness and maybe if you like it we could follow each other!

    Love Aimee,
    Instagram: @newyorkdollblog
    Twitter: @Aimee_Victoria

  5. Cute outfits- Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you lovely and a happy new year to you too! ^-^ x
