OOTD - I’m wasted, losing time. I’m a foolish, fragile spine.

On Saturday me & some others went to Wagamama's and this is what I wore.
I cannot stop wearing this cardigan. I've been wearing it every. single. day. I regret nothing!
I love black & white's with browns, I'm not sure what it is about that colour scheme, but it's my favourite.
Cardi, Shirt, Ring - Primark
Skirt - Amazon

  Wagamama's was amazing, totally worth all these years of waiting!
I ordered a "Yasai Katsu Curry" which consists of "Sweet potato, aubergine & butternut
squash deep-fried in Panko breadcrumbs, served with a curry sauce and sticky white rice.
Garnished with dressed mixed leaves and red pickles" mmm. My meal came to £8.45, that is an amazing price! A tip if you ever go to Wagamama's is that the Green Tea is free!
We all ordered Green Tea and tap water, free drinks!

I've had such a lovely weekend. 
I'm excited for this week; going to a bloggers event and catching up with some old friends.
I can't wait! ♥

What's your opinion?

  1. Cute outfit! I love love LOVE Wagamamas, I really fancy going there now, haha! x

    1. Thanks Milly!
      DITTO, it's so bloody addictive hahaha x

  2. Love this outfit!! xx

