Goodbye and hello..

Hello there!
In my previous post I said I would revamp my blog including a name change.
The main reason why I want to change it was because I find it awkward when people ask what my blog name is, it's hard saying "Strawberries-Taste-How-Lips-Do". I've had some really awkward moments & I don't want to re-live them! I had a whole list of possible names, which I showed to Vanese and she liked this one best. At first I thought "PerksOfBeingAlly" sounded a bit vain, but Vanese reassured me it didn't because she liked the meaning behind it. "PerksOfBeingAlly" was chosen because on my blog I want to show all the good things in my life. Also, when defining "Perks" I thought the definition was beautiful - "Become more cheerful, lively, or interesting" as changing my name is a goal for 2013 I thought it fit in perfect. 

If  you follow me can you please follow me on this link!
My posts from now won't come up on dashboards unless you follow this new link!

Do tell me what you think of my new name.
Hope you've all had a good Christmas and ate till you couldn't move ;)

What's your opinion?

  1. Your blog and it's name is cute!


  2. Its such a cute new name and I promise it doesnt sound vain atall! :D
    Sofia x

  3. Thanks for letting me know about the change of name! I'm following now :)

    Merry Christmas!

    1. No problem, thank you Roxii! :D
      Merry Christmas to you too, hope you had a good one lovely :) xx
